Ankle Sprain

by | Apr 21, 2023 | Blog, General Physio, Pilates | 0 comments

Molly Ren discusses ankle sprains.


Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries that we experience in our lives. Spraining the ankle involves injury to the soft tissues which can be graded 0-3 and often comes from rolling if twisting whilst walking, running or playing sport. It is commonly seen in the active population, however you can roll your ankle by walking on an uneven surface. Depending on the severity of the sprain at the time, it can greatly affect our ability to stand, balance and walk.




Some of the common risk factors include:

  • Previous ankle sprain
  • Incompletely rehabbed previous lower limb injuries
  • Starting or returning to sports without adequate training
  • Hypermobility (ligament laxity)




  • Recurrent ankle sprains
  • Uneven walking leading to hip and knee premature degeneration
  • Increased risk of falling
  • Chronic ankle instability


At Innovations Physio & Pilates, we can assess and rehabilitate your ankle injury which will prevent complications and reduce chronic instability. We utilise manual therapy and exercises and braces or boots as needed. Physiotherapy has been shown to reduce the re-injury rate and get you back to your activities with more confidence.



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