by Caroline Hayes | Feb 19, 2014 | Blog, General Physio, Sporting Injuries
Hamstring muscle injuries occur frequently among recreational and elite athletes. Lumbar spine stiffness causing hamstring nerve tension has been shown to delay recovery and increase the risk of recurrent injury. Effects of lumbar spine mobility: The primary movement...
by Caroline Hayes | Feb 19, 2014 | Blog, General Physio
This condition presents with a range of the following symptoms: Pain that travels down the outside of the thigh and occasionally to the knee. Pain when sleeping on the side – especially the affected hip. Pain on rising from a deep chair or after prolonged sitting...
by Caroline Hayes | Feb 19, 2014 | Blog, Pregnancy and Post- Natal
When is it safe for me to start exercising after having a baby? You are able to do exercises to strengthen your Pelvic Floor and Core muscles immediately after the birth of your baby. It is very important that you consult an experienced Physiotherapist to teach you...